Fooled by Your Food? These 5 ‘Health Foods’ actually make you FATTER!

It’s no surprise that commercial food corporations are so deceptive about nutrition and weight growth that Americans are so overweight – and getting fatter. According to the CDC, obesity in the United States affects 100.1 million (41.9%) adults and 14.7 million (19.7%) children and accounts for approximately $147 billion in annual health care costs.

Every year, millions of individuals promise to eat healthier, but for the most part, such goals fail. And it’s partly because mass-produced foods are masters at duping the public through the smart use of dietary labeling and other trade secrets. The most pernicious practice is the widespread use of cheap fillers such as synthetic sugars that the body is not built to handle.

As a result, many meals that are thought to be healthful can actually contribute to weight gain. You think you’re doing everything right, but the pounds just won’t go.

Here are five foods you probably think of as healthy – but that can actually make you fat.

1. Dried Fruit

Weight Watchers conducted a study and found out that persons who snacked on dried fruit had a tougher time losing weight than those who didn’t in a research including over 10,000 participants.

And what’s the reason? Dried fruits have many more calories per ounce than fresh fruits. They also include rich fruit sugars, which can raise your blood sugar and insulin levels… It’s also more difficult to lose weight when your blood sugar levels are out of whack.

But, that doesn’t imply dried fruits aren’t nutritious. They are high in vitamins and minerals that your body can use. However, you must watch your portion sizes.

2. Granola

The term “granola” itself is associated with healthy living, yet the actual meal… It’s not always that way. When it comes to calories, granola that is high in sugar and fat packs a powerful punch. The majority of store-bought granolas have more than 200 calories per half cup serving… That’s before you even add the milk.

Many store-bought brands also have artificial oils and a lot of sugar. Granola, on the other hand, is delicious, high in fiber, and rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals. Look for granolas with reduced sugar content and just natural ingredients – no high fructose corn syrup or hydrogenated oils.

3. Bottled Teas

The advantages of drinking tea are astounding. Publishers at the University of Maryland Medical Center discovered that green tea, in particular, helps to excellent health in a review of studies. It improves heart health, fights cancer, aids digestion, and aids in blood sugar control.

When you buy pre-made bottled teas, however, you get relatively little tea blended with a lot of sugar. Bottled teas frequently have calorie counts comparable to sodas. A better option is to make your own green tea and consume it hot. Make iced tea, sweeten with powdered stevia, and store it in a water bottle to go.

4. Rice Cakes

What could be more nutritious than a rice cake? It’s flavorless enough to pass for a health food. However, rice cakes have very few nutrients. They lack protein and fiber, thus they will not satisfy you. They do, however, contain simple carbohydrates that will cause your blood sugar to jump.

Instead of rice cakes, try whole grain rye or wheat crackers or whole grain toast, which are higher in nutrients. Spread peanut butter or hummus on toast or crackers for a protein- and fiber-rich snack that will fill you up and provide you with a consistent supply of energy.

5. The Salad You Ordered in the Restaurant

Salads appear to be a safe pick when dining out to reduce calories while also enjoying a healthful meal. You are only half correct. Salad vegetables are a good source of vitamins and minerals. Restaurant salads, on the other hand, frequently include candied almonds, shredded cheese, croutons, and bacon crumbles.

Furthermore, the dressings, especially the vinaigrettes, are heavy in fat and calories. Ordering poached fish and cooked vegetables may be a better option. If you really want a salad, ask that the high-fat items be removed. Request the dressing on the side. Vinaigrettes with no fat or vinegar are also fine options.

Don’t be Fooled by your Food

You don’t have to go insane trying to eat healthy. Portion control is one of the most common areas where people fail when it comes to reducing weight. You may be consuming healthy foods like dried fruit or granola, but you are eating far too much of it.

One pro tip is to examine the labels. Once you know how many calories are in a serving of a food, you can start adjusting your portion size to meet your calorie demands. When it comes to losing weight, the techniques outlined above will help you become more self-sufficient. They make the process so much easier because you don’t have to give up your favorite foods – you simply consume them more cautiously.

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